Thursday, September 19, 2013

Update: Utah summer and road-tripping

I think the reason, well two reasons, it's taken me so long to update my blog is, I keep getting so behind I don't know where to start and I am really not a picture taker. I blame everyone and their iphones who take way better pictures than my camera. They all have more adorable and better quality pictures of my family than I do, somewhere out there. I feel really guilty about it and sometimes really agonize over the lack of history I am documenting. I do this often. I'm working on it. Try to stay with me as I explain how awesome our summer was in mostly words and very few pictures... And if you are reading this and have cute pictures of my kids... I would love you to email them to me!

So, we got to Utah at the end of June and stayed until the end of August. We were warned by everyone we know here in Ohio that it would probably be a terrible trip and we were going for way too long. But, I am here to tell you folks, it was a total success (in my opinion, maybe I should ask mine and Jace's family what they REALLY thought about us being totally in their business for 2 months.) However, I couldn't have survived the summer without them while Jace studied for 12-14 hrs. for Boards.  Bless his heart. While he was slaving away, we got to play and have a lot of fun. We went swimming almost everyday, Elliot got so brave and was holding his breath under the water, playing without his floaties and jumping off the diving board by the end of our trip. Mae, she was never even worried to begin with. That girl is fearless and a bit clumsy and reckless, but she has so much spunk! We did just about everything cool that you can do in Utah. We went to the Zoo, the state fair, Dinosaur park, the library, feeding ducks, paddle-boarding and jet-skiing at Pine-View, we shopped and had lunch with friends, visited grandparents, went to Bear Lake, Cherry Hill, Lagoon, got to take a weekend trip to see our awesome friends in Rexburg and got to play with the cousins, grandparents and aunts and uncles, which was the most important thing of all! There is truly nothing as amazing to me as a Utah summer. I love the heat, the mountains, the camping, the lakes and the people who share in the fun with us. We really miss "home," but feel blessed to have each other wherever we go.

Jace took Boards on a Friday and we hit the road that Sunday. We ended up buying a van and driving it back to Ohio (That's right, a mini-van, we're those people and we are not ashamed. Mini-vans!!!) That was a really fun road-trip actually. The kids are so awesome on the road. They love good music and it was so nice to have such quality time with Jace after missing so much of him all summer. The kids would fall asleep in the van and Jace and I would just listen to music and talk all night until we were too tired to think, then we would find a hotel and crash. We were able to visit some friends in Missouri on our way back. And they were  nice enough to watch the kids for a few hours so we could see Liberty Jail. Elliot played his guts out with his buddy Cooper  and then on our way out we stopped at a few more church history places. It was so incredible to be there, I feel so blessed that we were able to stop. That's all for now. So, much has happened since we have been back, I don't think I will be mean and continue this post any longer. I will say though that posting has felt so good it almost feels like I just worked out or something! Man, I feel good! Apparently the lack of documenting my life has been affecting me more than I thought haha! I will work on that. Hopefully I'll be back soon!

Elliot and Pop on the paddle-board

Mae and her "big fwoaty"


Little bug

Mae's first hair-cut

Yikes, did I mention I am 6 mos. pregnant... Oh and behind me folks, is the RLDS temple....

Jace in front of Adam-ondi-ahman. 

Fortunately the kids woke up right after this and we were able to show them how cool Adam-ondi-ahman was! Anyway, that is really all I have for photos! Hope you enjoyed, oh wait ten! Have a good week!


  1. Oh goodness. I have the same consent battle. I don't take pictures and I am not good at writing things down. But then I look at my kids and how awesome they are and how much they are changing and feel so guilty for not documenting it. Needless to say, you are not the only one. Haha

    Glad you had a good summer. Your kids are too stinkin' cute! Congratulations on number 3! :)

  2. it was me!! i'm the terrible friend that said it would be horrible!! I was just being selfish because I wanted you to stay with me all summer. ;) and that RLDS temple looks so psychedelic!! It looks like a temple some aliens would create. And you're right, you should post more!

  3. So... guess who lost her keys in Walmart today? Luckily, someone turned them into Customer Service but probably because it was more than one single key haha. Miss you and everyone so much it hurts. Can't wait to hear about New York and have Thanksgiving with you. xoxo

  4. It was the best summer ever and I absolutely loved all of you filling our house up with love and laughter. Some crying and fighting between naps ha ha but it kept things lively. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Love and miss you so much :) xoxoxoxoxo

  5. I'm with you, Nichole! I am horrible at documenting things and my blog is pitiful as a result. At least you have a cool background and layout (still working on that one over here!). Um, CONGRATS on being pregnant! That is so exciting! You look great :) Also, I'm totally blown away by the RLDS temple. Where in the heck is that? It sort of makes me feel uncomfortable. Anyways, I love reading your blog - keep it up!
