Monday, September 3, 2012

the potty trained

Last week I decided to be impulsive and potty train Elliot. He had been showing interest for awhile but I wanted to wait and see if it was really something he was ready for. We had been letting him go on his "froggy" toilet just for fun, and giving him stickers, but nothing serious. I had planned to give it a few months of trying before I was ready to commit to the daunting task of cleaning up pee and (gasp!) poo off of my floor, ceiling and kids... ( I have heard some horror stories.) But then I talked to some friends who used this "three-day potty training" method. It seemed too good to be true, but I figured it was worth a shot. Jace and Elliot had to grab something from the store and I asked him to let Elliot pick out some underwear while they were there. He came running in the house with his new "car unners" and wanted to wear them right away... so I let him. Thank goodness my friend had just emailed me the "three day method" and that my sister/mom had just mailed us the coolest potty training sticker chart, because the potty training was about to begin! And I'm here to tell you folks, today is the sixth day and so far so good. It hasn't been perfect, there have been a few bumps, or should I say turds in the road, a lot of wet "unners" and sheets but Elliot seems to be officially potty trained! Hallelujah to the sixty bucks a month we are going to save by not having to buy him diapers!

Day one: Not so sure how he felt about it all. He loved his underwear but did NOT want a picture haha.

Day two: Loosening up about it. Finally showing off his cool new "car unners."

Day three: (the kid won't look at the camera haha.) Showing his half finished potty chart!

Day 4: Doing the "potty dance, potty dance." We do this every time he goes potty... which is about sixty times a day haha! (I am considering adding it to my work-out program... Rand?)

He has got moves!

TODAY! He finally completed his potty chart, which means he gets a new toy!
(I didn't take pictures on day five, but it was Sunday and he did awesome at church!)

Elliot and the "froggy" toilet. We are so proud of our big boy!
Seriously, such an accomplishment in his life! We are so happy that we all survived. He is such a great kid and genuinely one of my favorite people to hang out with. We love Elliot! If anyone wants the details of the "method" I can get them to you... Now, I am going to bed, but first I better go make sure he isn't covered in pee! Have a good night and week! 


  1. Oh man he is outrageously cute! I love that kid. He's growing so fast!

  2. Yay El!! Good job buddy. Nichole I need you to call me and teach me this method. I'm so happy you posted about this so I can learn. You are the best mom ever!

  3. Tell El we say, "HOORAY!" That video was so cute! I love how he got so easily distracted by the cupboard... Also, I need the "method"... Trevin is having issues. ;) Miss you, love you! Buying plane tickets tonight!

  4. I miss you and wish you lived next door to me still. I'm dying to know about this 3 day method. Spencer has been showing a lot of interest but I don't seem to be ready yet. I just need to do it before we start traveling again. I would love to save money on diapers! Love you.
