Thursday, August 16, 2012

end of summer and all that jazz

School started back up for Jace and it was a little sad (mostly for me, not so much Jace the eternal scholar, who was chomping at the bit.) We had such a fun summer and there was just this feeling of finality or something. This intense feeling of being an official grown-up and not getting summer break anymore. But, on the bright side, it is also really exciting to be moving forward. We are proud to be in our second year of medical school (and by "we" I definitely mean "we," this is a family effort folks!) Anyway, here are some pictures of the happenings of the last few weeks we had of summer!

At the beach with G&G Bullard
Burying Elliot

I know it doesn't look like he was having fun, but he really was.
He was freaking out that his toes were still showing, although it does sort of look more like child abuse...
This face is going to get her a lot of dates haha.
Especially this one!
Saying goodbye after a fun pic-nic.
Our little sweet potatoe trying solids for the first time!
Clearly she is a fan!

Elliot discovered how to get into Mae's bed... charming.
Elliot and Dad went with friends Paul and Mackendree to the Indians vs. Red Sox game.
Notice the hat? Still a Yankee fan.... what can I say.

Looking very serious, with his ketchup face haha. They had a blast! 

 That about sums it up. As you can see Elliot is no longer the little guy, he is a really big boy, who is so smart and hilarious and kind-of a stinker sometimes. But, is it bad that I feel kind-of proud when he stands up for himself?... Also, the kids a charmer. The girl to boy ratio is about 8 to 2 around here, so he is definitely out-numbered but it is working to his advantage, so far. And oh, sweet little Mae. She is just a bundle of energy and screams and everything girly already. She is a lot tougher than Elliot was though. She puts up with a lot from him and is progressing pretty quickly. I think she might be crawling soon. Jace as I mentioned is back into the swing of things and loving it. And I am just a busy mommy. I have a new church calling that has been keeping me very busy and the next thing I know tomorrow is Friday but, it is nice to be busy when it's something good (as opposed to watching Felicity re-runs...not saying that isn't okay sometimes...) All and all we are hanging in there alright. I am sad to see summer go,  but fortunately, this here Ohio sure has an amazing fall.


  1. I love love love all these great photos. So cute. I love elliots shoes and maes big beautiful eyes.

  2. I can't wait to squeeze Mae! And here Elliot's lisp. Fall is only amazing cuz I'll be there. P.S. when are you getting your phone???!! P.S.S. there is absolutely nothing wrong with watching Felicty re-runs... absolutely nothing.

  3. Your kids are getting so big! I can't believe how old they look. I'm glad you had a fun summer. Can't wait until you come!

  4. They are getting so big. I am so glad all is going good for you and jace.

  5. So dang cute. I miss you all so much! And we are totally going to that beach when we come next summer!!! The kids would love it!
