Tuesday, May 1, 2012

update: popcorn popping

So it's spring here in Cleveland and a lot has changed including the trees, which are blossoming all around us! We went home for Mae's blessing, and then as soon as we got back our camera started acting funny (surprised? not me) as all our technology does very soon after we buy it. Anyway, it is kind of working now, but that is why I haven't posted much of sweet Mae's life, or her blessing or our trip home or Easter, wow I am starting to feel pretty bad about myself... but, I was finally able to download a few things, and to my great surprise, there were still some salvageable pictures!

Mommy and Mae.

Mae's amazing blessing dress, I'm still trying to get pictures of her wearing it.

The girls.

Mae laughing!

Elliot being"tute" that's how he says cute haha.

Elliot being messy! Jace took this out of complete disbelief. We cannot understand why he rubbed yogurt all over himself. Maybe it feels good. I should try it haha.

Mae getting so big and pretty. Although Jace just informed me he thinks she looks like a boy here haha.

Just playing! Mae is much better in her bumbo already.


Mae in her pretty Easter dress!
So this is basically our spring in a nutshell! And we are loving it! Every morning Elliot has to run to the window and say hello to all the trees and then we sing "popcorn popping" Then he says hello to Mr. Sun and the birdies and racoons and squirrels (yes, all of these things are in our backyard.) We have "picins," which is how he says picnic and he loves eating lunch in the yard! We are just feeling so excited to get out of the house. Mae has officially turned into a piglet in every way, from the grunts to the squeals right down to the constant eating! She is having a major growth spurt, which is good for her and very tiresome for mommy, who is back up every 3 hours throughout the night! Life is so busy, but so fun. Jace has finals in 2 weeks which will complete his first year of medical school. We are so looking forward to summer, some visits from the family and especially some over-due, quality time! Well I hope you are enjoying spring as much as we are!


  1. I just love when you blog! Totally makes my day. Tell El to say hello to dee dee and Trev each morning... all the way in Logan. xoxo

    1. You are so optimistic, it's kind of disappointing, now I can't call you 'negative Nilly' and have you make fun of me for not being smart enough to realize your name starts with an 'N' and I should just call you 'negative Nichole.' Aw, those were good times. But I digress, I think it's excellent you've turned into a positive person, but does that mean I have to be optimistic too?

  2. Oh I love all those "tute" pictures! The one of him sitting on the floor reminds me so much of you! And I love the one of her laughing! This just made my night. Thanks for posting. Miss you so much!

  3. I've been waiting for you to post pictures of Mae. Your kids are adorable. Mae looks like an O'brien. She fits in with you and your sisters. That Easter picture is so cute. Now you need to record Eliott saying good morning to everything. Eliott videos are my favorite. :)

  4. So cute!! I wish I had kids to take cute pictures of! Oh wait... one is on the way!! woo woo

  5. Oh my I love you guys! Crazy we have talking kids:) And babies...hope your Mae lets you sleep more than my Tyson:) He's still up frequently...always something! Tell Jace Todd thinks he's manly...and hey! We miss you guys! You're kids are adorable!

  6. Oh I love you all.
    @ Dee dee: You betcha! He will probably love that actually! We are so saying good morning to you tomorrow! Mwah!
    @ Melinda: I am not positive haha don't you dare call me that haha! I will always be negative Nilly. And you are never negative! That's why we are friends. Just go lay in a field if your gonna be a turd. Oh how I miss us.
    @ Chels: I'm so glad this made your night! Now get blogging and make my night!!! I miss you oh so much!
    @ Haylie, I might start recording Elliot for real, I could make some money off him I think! He is out of control! Now, I need to call you, I have a million things to talk to you about!
    @ Rei: Yes, you are about to have constant camera inspiration! I can't wait!! Not that I don't love Dot haha.
    @ Andrea: Seriously, when did we grow up? I love Gracie and Tyson! Tell Todd, I bought Kashi and thought of him... And I'm sure Jace would say something about Dalf haha! We miss you guys!
