Sunday, May 6, 2012


So Elliot has become quite the communicator, he has started speaking so well, but in a language, generally, only Jace and I understand. If I was fast enough to grab the camera I would record him because his little voice cracks. me. up. But, instead, I have decided to write a few of the most popular phrases and words, so I don't forget! I wonder if you can figure them out.. try to guess.

"Mae-Mae bade-up"   "deans"   "tiss"   "moomie"   "Dace"   "shoosh"   "thone"   "turch"   "toyee"  

"samps"   "dinosaurn"   "scoo-gak"   "thocks"   "wino"   "bid"   "tees"   "boardie"   "bider"   "picin"

"doos"   "sinky Mae"   "ahdeek"   "phwing"   "uh-sy"   "ress"   "goggy"   "shet"   "se-yah"   "blu-bee"

Okay, so did I mention he has an adorable lisp... (also, did I mention I had one at his age.. who knew lisps were genetic...) Maybe that tidbit might help you more fully understand. Wow, after writing them out, the way they sound, I am realizing this might be harder than I thought! But, the kid has such a great vocabulary, that regardless of how he pronounces the words, I am so impressed by what he understands..  He is so smart and eager to learn (I'm sure we can thank dad for that one.) Anyway, good luck!


  1. Now you have to say what each of them actually is so I can know if I guess right!

  2. I first one is mae mae wake up, jeans, kiss, mommy, jace, shoes, phone, church, toy, snacks dinosaur fruit snacks socks window bed trees Birdie spider picnic goose stinky mae daddy swing Bootsie rest doggy shut see ya Bootsie?? ha ha

  3. Oh nice haha so good but there were a few tricky ones in there... I will have the answers at the end of the week hahaha! Seriously so funny!

  4. Hilarious! You need to try harder to get it on camera.

  5. Mae Mae wake up jeans kiss movie Jace ? phone church toy ? dinosaur ? socks window ? trees birdie spider pic nic shoes stinky Mae ? swing ? dress doggy ? see ya blueberries

  6. K so I think it's Mae Mae get up, jeans, kiss, mommie, jace, shoes, phone, church, toy, stamps, dinosaur, fruit snack, socks, window, bed, trees, birdie, spiders, picnic, shoes, stinky Mae,a drink?, swing, I'm not sure on the uh-sy, rest, doggy, shut, see ya, blueberry. Let me know how I do!

  7. Okay as promised here is the key haha. Mae Mae woke up, jeans, kiss, Jace, shoes, phone, church, pants, dinosaur, fruit snacks, socks, window, bib, trees, birdie, diaper, picnic, stinky Mae, attic, swing, outside, rest, doggy, shirt, cereal, blueberry! Haha you guys did pretty good though! I am impressed!

  8. wow this is the funniest thing ever!
