Wednesday, March 21, 2012

the game.

So Randee asked me to play this little game, it turned out to be fun. 
Don't kill me if I tagged you, just do it!

The Rules

1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag 11 people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter/facebook and tell them you've tagged them.

It is a long story, but the reason I chose this picture and not a more current one, is because our computer crashed and the only pictures that we didn't lose are from 2007. So... I look like a little girl, but it's okay, because I also look REALLY happy!

  Eleven Random Things

1. Leonardo DiCaprio will always be Romeo to me.
2. I am so in love with my kids!
3. Sometimes I laugh so hard I think I might actually pee... (I may or may not have peed before while pregnant and laughing...Jace is really funny I can't help it.)
4. I could watch Pride and Prejudice every night, and read it over and over, and still get the butterflies like it was the first time.
5. I am TERRIFIED of haunted houses, like I cannot go to them. Last memory I have of attempting one, I cried before we got in line, and Jace almost punched a guy dressed in black on stilts ( I really hope he was an employee) who would not leave me alone...true story.
6. I feel like I am getting more "phobic" as I get older, like claustrophobic, arachnophobic, worriedmommyophobic...
7. I love to paint but lack discipline, which is disappointing, I'm working on it.
8. Sometimes all I want is a sewing machine.
9. I could eat an entire box (not sleeve, box) of Oreos if I didn't earnestly try not to. 
10. Today, after a really long morning of chasing Elliot through the library, then the park and all through the grocery store, Mae decided to give me a gift... I am now soaking the poo out of her onesie... 
11. Sometimes after a really long day, of trying to look stylish in my least post-pregnancy mommy jeans, and cleaning poo out of multiple onesies, I feel the most attractive and myself in a pair of Jace's sweats and a t-shirt.

 Eleven questions for me from Rand

1. What is your fondest memory as a child? I have so many, probably anytime I was with my family, I loved watching all of my sisters kill it in softball, so pretty much every summer of my childhood. Clinton Park under the lights.
2. If you were a color, what would you be and why? I would be red, it's love and sometimes it's hardship, it's just true and vibrant and honest.
3. Do you choose trendy or classic or both and why? Hmm, I feel like I am a mix, it depends on how I feel for the day, and what feels the most comfortable.
4. What is your most embarrassing moment? I have them a lot more regularly now that I am a mom, kids keep you humble.
5. What do you love about yourself? I love that I am a mom and a lover and a friend.
6. What is the best book or books you've ever read? Oh man Rand, this is tough, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Cry the Beloved Country, Peace like a River, So Brave, Young and Handsome...
7. What is number one on your bucket list? Travel, no where in particular, but I just want to see this world.
8. What is one of your weird quirks? I hate elevators.
9. Name 3 moments in history you wish you could've witnessed. The Great Depression/WWII, the Beatles coming to America, and I think it would have been incredible to know Joseph Smith.
10. If you could do or be anything you wanted, what would you do/be? Feel free to elaborate. Oh boy, I would want to make music. I would make the stuff that I want to listen to. I feel so free when I sing in the car, I would love a career like that! But, being a mom has it's amazing moments!
11. What is your lucky number and why? I have never been on a sports team with numbers so this is a little hard for me. I know that 13 is not my favorite number (did you know there is a phobia of the number 13, I don't think I have it yet...) I would say I like the number...8... Reilee will probably say that's a creepy number haha. I had no idea numbers could be creepy.

My questions for the bloggers I tag

1. What is your favorite moment in your favorite movie?
2. If you could have a wedding "do-over" what would your colors be?
3. If there was a movie of your life, what actress would you want to play you?
4. Is there a TV show/movie you watched growing up that you will never let your kids watch, if so, what was it?
5. If you could meet any celebrity who would it be?
6. What song do you play over and over again in the car until you know all the words?
7. What is your "go-to" restaurant, and what do you order?
8. Where is your favorite place to visit?
9. If you found a magic lamp what are your top 3 wishes?
10. If you were given a $1,000 shopping spree, where would you go?
11. What would you do with a million dollars?

People I am forcing to play this

Melinda Page
Haylie Jensen
Andrea Bucher
Elise Ryser
Amy Clancy
Canda Ashworth
Kathy Christensen
Ellen Rowley
Liesl Curtis
Kyla Rollins
Shawnee Jenkins

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