Wednesday, November 16, 2011

to pass the time

So, lately the things we do to pass the time, until all the big events like Christmas a new baby and family visits (and this dreaded Cleveland winter I keep hearing about) bombard us all at once, have been rather fun and leisurely. And quite frankly, I'm enjoying every bit of them, because I'm not sure when I'll see the likes of them again. Here is my top 5 list of things we've been doing to pass the time:

1. Going to the pond. The pond where Jace and Elliot have been blacklisted from the Geese world for their constant chasing. The geese refused to eat our bread.  It was clear they discussed how to punish us, after he chased them for the third time. If you've ever been shafted from the cool crowd, or been convinced a group of people were talking about you behind your back (maybe I'm paranoid)  it was that feeling, only worse. The geese cold-shouldered us hard-core. And we deserved it... well Elliot was more of an accomplice. And I was just the innocent by-stander who kept throwing bread in hopes of being accepted back into their warm graces, but to no avail... no geese. I think Jace might be more of the reason they fly south, than the weather.

2. Playing with blocks. Elliot and I are master builders, and by that I mean, I am the master! I have built towers that make the Parthenon look a little weak-sauce, I'm just saying. Not to mention, I do animals. I have, sitting in my living room right now, a block elephant, horse, dog, cat and frog.That's right... Elliot is one lucky kid.

3. Socializing. Thank-goodness for the time passers, who are our friends and family. If we aren't at cooking class, a.k.a, five women and five children in one kitchen. (You are not the first person who has wanted to put a video camera in that kitchen. It's a blast!) We are with our awesome neighbors having some kind of fun! Or, of course, we are always up for skyping, which is really some of the most fun we have while killing time and one of the best inventions, since the broom-vac, in my opinion.

4. Pet shopping. Oh the pet store with Jace and Elliot, priceless. I can't even tell you how many times Jace explained to me, the exact 2,000 gallon aquarium he wants in our basement one day... yeah... or when he got quiet for about ten minutes, then asked if I thought there was some law against having your own private rainforest! Or how he mentioned that a Python seemed like a great family pet... oh dear.

5. Reading. Oh how we are bookies around here. I could spend hours at the library and luckily so could Jace. Now, Elliot has become a true book lover and I am so grateful. We go every few weeks and check out about a million books and then read those books about a million times. The way Jace and I entertain ourselves, while re-reading these books, is we make up new versions of the story. Usually I don't stray too far from the main point... but today while I was cleaning the kitchen I heard Jace say something about communist propaganda while reading The Rainbow Fish... I'll have to pay more attention to that one next time hahaha! I could swear it was just about sharing...

While it might seem boring, mundane or even tedious to some of you, I have been really enjoying my time, passing time! Thank-goodness for my best guys who I get to pass it with!

P.S. did I mention listening to Christmas music, yeah I'm not ashamed to admit it!


  1. I'm cracking up at this post. You're hilarious. I love The Rainbow Fish being communist propaganda. Ha ha that crap is funny. Oh and by the way I'm usually a anti-christmas before Thanksgiving type of person but for some reason not this year. I am all about christmas crap already. Bring on the music. Also you need to go to Target and look at their ordaments. They have these cute little fabric elephants and owls and stuff that I know you would love. I'll send you a pic of them the next time I go there. And you need to order the She and Him christmas album. It's awesome and will become your favorite so fast and it's only $10 on amazon. Love ya. Miss ya.

  2. Oh Haylie how I love that you understand and appreciate my humor. What would I do without you! Seriously it's so refreshing! Yeah I am usually with you on the Christmas music stuff, but this year, I feel like I just don't have enough time to get it all in! I am so pumped to get the She and Him album! I bet it's awesome! I love myself some new Christmas tunes! Also, you know how my relationship with Target is, so please send me pictures and I'll probably spend a small fortune... Can't wait to see you! Love you dearly!

  3. She and Him is the best! I was dying at this post too, geez ya comedian! I could just picture you tossing bread like please eat it! Seriously though, or I might bend over and eat it cuz this bread cost me $3.00! haha that's my thinking anyway. Welp guess my kids won't be feeding ducks haha

  4. hahahahaha. It's funny... ~ Turd Ferguson

  5. Man you guys are really making me feel so good about myself. I love when people laugh with me at my lame life

  6. Seriously Rei haha about the bread... I almost out it back in the bag... And Rand that's what your mother said last night.
